

Ha is one of the Japanese kana, each of which represent one mora. Both represent. They are also used as a grammatical particle and serve as the topic marker of the sentence. は originates from 波 and ハ from 八. Wikipedia
hiragana origin:
katakana origin:
spelling kana: はがきのハ Hagaki no "ha"
unicode: U+306F, U+30CF
Voiced Man'yōgana: 伐 婆 磨 魔

The hiragana syllable は (ha). Its equivalent in katakana is ハ (ha).
は【歯】. 動物の口腔内にある咀嚼するための硬い器官。 歯と同様のギザギザを持つ部分。例:鋸の歯、歯車; 下駄の裏側にある板。
The katakana syllable ハ (ha). Its equivalent in hiragana is は (ha).
Definition of は · (int) yes; indeed; well · ha! · what?; huh? · sigh.
は. の解説 · 1 かしこまって応答するときに用いる語。はっ。「—、承知いたしました」 · 2 ややかしこまって聞き返すときに用いる語。はあ。「—、なんとおっしゃいまし ...
Jun 19, 2011 · Actually both forms are correct. の is a recent development in Japanese, before it appeared, you'd use the 連体形(行く/熱い/綺麗な[る]/食べた[る]) ...